Whatever jokes

Jokes » whatever » humor 259


10 signs that a kid is a nerd
10. Likes people that oppress him: teachers, parents, principals, police, and authority figures.
9. Is overly enthusiastic about 'Dungeons and Dragons' and other role playing games.
8. Very familiar with megahertz, wears glasses and, can quote scripture.
7. Frequently speaks of martial arts, but still gets beaten up.
6. Says 'Whom' instead of 'Who.'
5. Is pleased when disruptive individuals are sent to the office, so that they can continue with their learning.
4. Prefers NPR to any music.
3. Gets upset when there is a test or quiz that he did not know about.
2. Rooted for Deep-Blue in the famous chess game.
1. Must be pulled off bridge when not accepted at the college of his choice.
navy intelligence
Military Humor...

How do you sink a navy submarine?

Simply knock on the door!

we meet at last, ark-enemy!
What kind of lights did Noah have on the Ark?

Flood lights!
risky high seas adventure
There was this couple that had twins and they couldn't decide what to name them. When they were teenagers, the dad noticed that one of them always looked towards the sea and the other looked away, so he decided to call them Towards and Away.
Then, one day, the dad decides to take the twins on a trip out to sea to go fishing. Months pass, then years. Finally, the dad comes back looking tired.
The mom asks him what happened and he said that all three of them were fishing one day and Towards had caught a hold of a big fish on his rod. Since the fish was so strong, it carried Towards away.
The mom said, 'Oh, what a horrible, cruel fish!'
The dad said, 'Yeah, you should've seen the one that got Away.'

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